To Succeed As A Freelancer, You Need To Get Clear On Your Offering – Here's How [For Steemit]
As part of one my experiments for the month, I'm testing out Steemit, a platform like Medium where writers are compensated with a form of cryptocurrency for creating content the community views and engages with. With my first article, it was both a new topic of satire and platform to publish. It turned out to be a success and looks like I may end up with a payout of over eighteen dollars.
With this success in hand, I wanted to publish a second article and discover how I faired on the followup post to help create a realistic picture of the rewards. As I was thinking about what to write and learning about the community, the topic of freelancing seemed to be a sweet spot for this network of independent people. Since I wrote a book on the topic of freelancing, I thought it could also act as a way for me to write and share concepts from the book while also promoting it at the same time. Since I tackled the topic of creating a stream of clients for a guest blog post I submitted to the Freelancers Union, I decided to tackle the topic of packaging our services in a compelling way for this second Steemit article. It's now live on their platform to help other freelancers make progress on their journey.
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