Jim Karwisch — Exploring How Narratives & Systems Inform & Direct Us During Troubling Times
Welcome to another episode of Inspirational People! In this episode, I get the opportunity of introducing you to a talented speaker, a creative trainer, and the improv podcaster Jim Karwisch.
Improv Jim and I originally met via Twitter after he posted a doodle of an Andy Stanley sermon. Subsequent coffee that quickly turned into lunch at Willy's Mexican Grill, forged a friendship that would seemly endure the most troublesome of relational disputes. At the time, Jim was making his transition from corporate America to Entrepreneur. We've participated in a freelancer's mastermind, blogging challenges, movie and TV discussions, and have remained good friends until he moved away several ago to the city of Rome, Georgia. Since then we've been distant enemies as he harvests the brains of my friends. In addition to being a brain harvester, Jim is also a trainer, coach, and gamification experiential facilitator.
In this uncertain and bizarre interview between two former friends, now enemies, Jim Karwisch and I talk about how to harvest the brains of my friends and what to think when someone unexpectedly waves a gun at you. If you're looking to start your own fight club to combat the stress of this Coronavirus crisis, this is the podcast you need to directly inject into your mind (It's the only way). There is no blue pill for this interview, so get ready to dive into the signals that inform and direct your behavior. Plus, we talk about systems so you won't want to miss that tidbit.
Connect With Jim
- Connect with Jim on social media - Linkedin, Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter.
- Visit Jim's personal coaching website (Untangling Narrative) here and DuMoreImprov here.
- Visit the Improv in Action network with four different podcasts to explore, here.
Listen To This Discussion
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You can also find this discussion on Stitcher, Itunes, and wherever you listen to podcasts under the name, Grow Your Life.
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Jim Karwisch, Coronavirus, Podcast - Inspirational People
- Created on .
- Last updated on .