Craig Haynie — Identify The Next Opportunity To Transform Your Life & Business
Welcome to another episode of Inspirational People.
In this episode, I introduce you to my long-standing friend and fellow entrepreneur, Craig Haynie. Craig is the founder and CEO of CablesAndKits.com, a company historically focused on networking equipment and accessories, but amidst the Coronavirus crisis, has expanded its product portfolio to include safety products like masks and hand sanitizers.
After both of us moved to Atlanta, we got connected through our mutual attendance at First Baptist Atlanta church. We quickly became friends and have shared life and work on and off for the last decade and a half. In my second book for small business owners (The Jump), Craig wrote the introduction and epilogue to set and reinforce the message. Perhaps most importantly, we both love to watch movies and we were both movie extras in The Founder (about Mcdonalds starring Michael Keaton).
In this discussion, we talk about his company's pivot in the pandemic, Star Trek stories, reflection through journaling, the importance of starting when it comes to change and improvement, and how he launched a daily CEO email communicating with his customers.
Connect With Craig
- Connect with Craig on Linkedin or email him directly at
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - You can also visit his blog here (not actively updated). - Visit Craig's company website, CablesAndKits.com here.
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Coronavirus, Podcast - Inspirational People
- Created on .
- Last updated on .