Keith Eigel, Ph.D. — Trading Chaotic Confusion For Convicting Clarity by Accelerating Character Development
Welcome to another episode of the Grow Your Life podcast.
In this book discussion episode, I introduce you to the co-author of The Map: Your Path to Effectiveness In Leadership, Life, And Legacy, Keith M. Eigel, Ph.D. The book explores the five stages of adult development and how we can accelerate our journey through them.
Keith and I have known each other for about a decade, first connected through a mutual friend. From there, we've worked together on several occasions. In 2017, I completed the Leaders Lyceum personal development program here in the Atlanta area, which is an organization founded by Keith and dedicated to transforming people and impacting organizations.
In this powerful conversation, we talk about who we want to be when this pandemic, economic downturn, and social crisis are over. Keith also encourages us to ask ourselves the question, what's the story we want to tell when we look back at this season? As the episode progresses, we also dive into the importance of challenges contradicting our current understanding, the five knowable stages of adult development, and the vital importance of engaging people that have lived different experiences (and who often look different than us).
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Coronavirus, Podcast - Book Discussion, The Map Book, Constructive Developmental Theory (CDT)
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