Living "Louder Than Words" In A Pandemic — Discussing The Power of Uncompromised Living
In this second video book discussion with my friend Benji Hollis (VP of Sales at The Chick-Fil-A Peach Bowl), we dive into Louder Than Words by Andy Stanley, a book exploring the power of uncompromised living (affiliate link).
The book explores the concept of character, what it is, and how our character can change the trajectory of our life as well as the effect we have on others during the journey.
Benji and I both read this book as part of our Church's Leadership Development group we both recently graduating from. We've become good friends through the program and got a lot out of the read and subsequent discussion. We were inspired to discuss and share these insights with you in the following recorded discussion.
Here's the summary description on the book's back cover.
How important is your character? It determines everything about you! How much you will accomplish in life, and whether you are worth knowing. How you will respond to success, and how you will weather the inevitable storms of life.
This is a book about uncompromised living. It is about choosing every day to be a man or woman of integrity, a person whose actions speak louder than words. Bestselling author Andy Stanley challenges you to become what you were meant to be: a person whose commitment to doing the right thing, whatever the cost, will inspire others and change your world.
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Coronavirus, Podcast - Book Discussion
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