Are You Working Every Day And All The Time?
Growing up, I was taught to take a day of the week to rest, release and worship God. For Christians, we call this the Sabbath day. It's so important, it was given as one of the ten commandments to Moses.
"Remember The Sabbath, and Keep It Holy"
The first several years in Atlanta, I adhered to this command. As our marketing company journey progressed, I began taking more control of my destiny and trusting God less. When things got worse, I worked more. This workload was also a way for me to escape the things in my life I did not want to face.
Unfortunately, when business would get better, I did not cut back my workload so the amount of time I worked grew over time. One Sunday turned to two Sundays, turned to every Sunday. Before I knew it, I was working every day all the time.
This road led to chaos, burn out and an overall bad existence.
My way of doing things was not working. I prayed that God would show me a better way.
Then, a friend reminded me of the Sabbath, and asked if I was honoring and practicing it in my life.
NO, I was not.
I decided to take back my Sabbath and began down a road of working less and trusting God to do more. While it seemed backwards, life began to get better and I became significantly more productive.
So, like my friend asked me, I'll do the same for you.
Are you remembering the Sabbath and keeping it holy?
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