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Embarking On a New Weekday Blogging Challenge in 2024

Is there any type of transformative achievement ritual you've embarked on?

Challenges are a great way to get stuff done and foster community with others.

I'm jumping into a challenge like this now.

My last post kicked off a new weekday blogging challenge! It’s a challenge where we post one blog post every weekday, with the weekends as breaks.

I’ve participated in and led these multiple times before. This new challenge was spurred on by my friend Jim Karwisch, a life coach helping people untangle the mental narratives holding them back.

I’m always available for this challenge to help others and to motivate myself to finish my in-progress writing projects.

If you’re interested in participating, message me, and I’ll invite you to the Share Life Academy Discord group where we communicate and share posts.

  • Prep Week began July 8th, 2024
  • The weekday challenge began on July 15th, 2024
  • Month 1 of the challenge ends August 9th, 2024
  • The challenge may continue beyond this date if others want to persist

Expectations for A Blogging Challenge

If you’ve never done a blogging challenge like this, don’t feel intimidated. The first time might be slower and more fragmented but it's a great personal growth process.

You may not hit your goal daily, especially at first, but know that if you post anything, it’ll be more than the nothing you had before you began the challenge and that’s a great accomplishment. The first time I did a challenge, I published a few things and wrote a bunch of unpublished drafts. But that was a great amount of progress and it set the stage for more effective blogging in the next challenge. It wasn’t until my second or third blog writing challenge that I was able to succeed at the task of posting each day. And, it’s not always easy.

Writing about the challenge is often a good way to write some content and learn along the way.

Building a content garden is another powerful resource because it creates a pipeline of ideas, outlines, and drafts. You can check out this episode of the Share Life podcast where we talk about the writing garden and systems for capturing and developing ideas.

My Goals This Time

The last time I participated in a blogging challenge, it helped me finish writing my second book. I’m hoping this challenge will help me finish my third book by blogging all the sections I’ve yet to finish and parts that need structural work. Blogging helps break down the biggest project into smaller more manageable pieces.

Outside of the big goal, I’m looking to leverage this challenge to help me reorganize and expand my Evernote writing garden structure and push through ideas that I may not have gotten to, and of which I may never have published without the motivation from this project. With almost 6k notes in my Evernote, I’ve got numerous ideas, outlines, and blog drafts to move forward. This adventure will help me move many of them forward.

Another goal of mine, that I may end up doing as part of this challenge, is to include updating past blog posts with alterations and additions. I’ve got over 500 blogs published and many could use fresh eyes and updates.

Fellow Participants

I’ll be trekking down this road with others. 

Here’s a list of those participating in the challenge as it begins along with links to where they’ll be posting.

Jim Karwisch, Weekday Blogging Challenge

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