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This Year (2017) Has Been A Wild Ride Of Expected Change

It’s that time of year again where I take a moment to reflect, thank others and enter into a blogging break. This annual reflection point blog post is my last article for 2017. Come back and see me in 2018 or visit the blog archives for ones you may...

Embarking On a New Weekday Blogging Challenge in 2024

Is there any type of transformative achievement ritual you've embarked on? Challenges are a great way to get stuff done and foster community with others. I'm jumping into a challenge like this now. My last post kicked off a new weekday blogging...

Another Year (2016) In The Books

What began in 2014 and continued in 2015, has now become an annual tradition. This reflection point yearly blog post is my last write-up for 2016. 2016 has been a jam packed and accomplished year for my family and me. In February, we had Elihu Axel...

Why I'm Continuing This Writing Madness (Weekday Blogging)

It's selfish of us to horde our wisdom. If we care about others, we have a sense of duty to share our life experiences and insights for the benefit of others. Creating a beyond-us system is the aim of the eighth achievement from my book, Path Of The...

Where Does Weekday Blogging Take Me In The Month Of October?

Jim Karwisch and I began this journey in August. In September, we invited several others to join us. Craig Haynie, & Allison Miller were the only two from the new group to make it through the entire month writing each weekday. For October, Jim, Craig,...